the social network TikTok announces to suspend the creation of new videos in Russia

The announcement from TikTok, which is still maintaining its messaging service, comes after Russian authorities blocked Facebook and restricted access to Twitter.

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TikTok adapts to the new Russian law on the dissemination of information. The social network announced on Sunday March 6 to suspend the possibility of posting new videos on its platform in Russia. “In view of the new law on ‘false information’, we have no other choice but to suspend live broadcasts and the posting of new content (…) while we study the possible consequences for safety” of its employees and users, the social network explained in a series of tweets.

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TikTok still maintains its messaging service. Contacted by AFP, TikTok did not specify whether or not videos posted from abroad would remain accessible to Russian users.

Russia had already blocked access to Facebook and restricted access to Twitter. TikTok claims over a billion users worldwide. According to a study by Insider Intelligence published last week, TikTok had some 24.7 million accounts in Russia at the end of 2021. The decision of this social network has a diplomatic dimension, because TikTok is a subsidiary of the Chinese group ByteDance. China, which has close ties with Russia, has so far refrained from condemning the invasion of Ukraine.

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