The Soccer World Cup and Virtue

The media have extensively documented the relationship between FIFA and Qatar over the past few years, and the least we can say is that it is rather sulphurous. One can write, following the example of Chateaubriand, that it is “vice leaning on the arm of crime”.

Despite this evidence, all countries without exception, some pretending to hold their noses, rushed to Qatar to participate in the FIFA World Cup tournament. Canada has not even pretended to cover its nose. We were treated to the usual soothing statements from the Canadian representative. Our dear country is in this case, without doubt, the perfect illustration of the proverb “To the innocent with their hands full”.

All countries protest their virtue, but the more they protest, the deeper they sink into denial. None of them had the courage to denounce this megalomaniac delirium of FIFA and Qatar by refusing to participate in this competition.

The only conclusion we can draw from all this is: how did we fall so low?

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