The soap opera of the “biotreasures of the Park” of the Monts d’Ardèche

The idea is to show the daily life of the park’s fauna, day and night, with a series of images in the form of episodes entitled “The biotreasures of the Park”. Photo and video traps have therefore been set up, mainly in the forest, on passageways used by the animals. The approach is simple, show us what we see little or not at all. Marc Lutz is the head of the biodiversity service.

Thanks to credits from Europe and the Ministry of Ecology, we were able to acquire about ten photo traps placed mainly in ancient forests.

We try to see beforehand what are the signs of the presence of the animals, it requires real work beforehand to locate.

To follow the serial of the “biotreasures of the Park” it is here


Domain of Rochemure

07380 JAUJAC

04 75 36 38 60

Park website here

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