Guislaine David reacted on Friday to Emmanuel Macron’s announcements.
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The change in initial teacher training announced on Friday April 5 by Emmanuel Macron “very worried” the SNUipp-FSU, the main primary school union. Guislaine David, the co-general secretary of the union, spoke on France Culture “attractiveness problems” of career. For school teachers, “the competition will be taken at the end of the license”or at bac+3 instead of bac+5 currently, declared the Head of State during a trip to a school in Paris. “We are going to ramp it up from next year and in fact over two or three years, we will systematize it.”
“We know that there are different paths to being school teachers currently”recalls Guislaine David. “The students, upon leaving the baccalaureate, head towards different paths to then join the school teaching staff.” With the change announced by Emmanuel Macron and “this specific license”the SNUipp-FSU believes that we will “clamp down on a very specific pool and we risk having problems of attractiveness in these professions, and being in tension very quickly”. “It is not good news”, adds Guislaine David.