The first secondary school union deplores a phenomenon which “is not a novelty” and denounces the lack of action by the State in the matter.
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“We understand the concern, the anguish, even the despair of the parents of students”said Sophie Vénétitay, the general secretary of SNES-FSU, the first secondary school union, on Monday May 22 on franceinfo, while the collective #OnVeutDesProfs, which brings together parents of students from all over France dissatisfied with the non-replaced absences of teachers, is launching a second class action lawsuit against the state.
>> Unreplaced absences of teachers: the collective #OnVeutDesProfs will launch a second legal action against the State on Monday
This group brings together parents of students who “see the lost lesson hours accumulating and above all who are very angry at the lack of a satisfactory response from the State”underlined Sophie Vénétitay. “This is not new”, she acknowledged, denouncing the lack of action of the State in the matter. the state “prefers to tinker with classified ads, job dating”, she lamented. National Education is “the biggest DIY brand in this country”, she snapped. For the Secretary General of SNES-FSU “provide hours of lessons with staff trained and recruited for this” is however “the basis of National Education”.
In April, Emmanuel Macron announced a “unconditional rise” remuneration ranging “up to 500 euros per month” for teachers who will accept new assignments, on a voluntary basis. A “deception”according to Sophie Vénétitay for whom this “pact” put in place for teachers amounts to “work more to exhaust yourself more. (…) The parents must understand that this pact will not make it possible to make up for the hours lost by non-replaced absences”she explained. The real solution is to really upgrade the teachers, from a salary point of view, and to improve our working conditions and thus to recruit to ensure all the hours of lessons”she continued.