the Snes-FSU asks that “the minister decides very quickly” on a postponement

The Minister of National Education receives the trade union organizations on Friday to address the question of the baccalaureate specialty tests, scheduled for March 14 to 16.

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“All the trade unions are asking for the postponement of the tests” baccalaureate specialty, recalled Thursday, January 27 on franceinfo Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the Snes-FSU union (National Union of Secondary School Teachers), while Jean-Michel Blanquer, the Minister of National Education, receives Friday the teachers’ unions to address in particular the organization of these tests, initially scheduled for March 14 to 16. He said Wednesday that the calendar was still not decided.

All unions are “aware that these events cannot be held”, insists Sophie Vénétitay. She points “a delay in the programs”. The teachers have “pieces of class due to student isolation”. It is therefore impossible “to work the method” especially for the period “white bin”. “It’s very difficult to have all the students to allow them to train properly.” For the secretary general of Snes-FSU, there is “emergency” that the minister “decided very quickly for the postponement of these events at the end of the year”.

The delay taken by teachers in the programs “is consequent”assures Sophie Vénétitay. “Everyone is running after the chapters” while having “eyes glued to the agenda” with the pressure to “complete everything on time for the month of March”. The teachers havethe feeling of being left behind by the students” and not “nothing can do to hang up” students “who can’t keep up”.

The Snes-FSU therefore asks that the specialty tests be “postponed to June”. But to avoid the “additional stress” dreaded by parents and high school students, he suggests that they wear “on the program planned for the month of March” in order to avoid having “new chapters to see for the end of the year”. “We give ourselves time to do what has not been done and we give ourselves time without stress.” “Difficult to know what the minister’s trade-offs will be”, adds Sophie Vénétitay. But she hopes “the solution of wisdom and responsibility will prevail” Friday in order to “bring back serenity”.

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