The Martel Division advocates a fight through violence to “promote the advent of nationalist and xenophobic supremacy”, according to the dissolution decree published by the Minister of the Interior on X.
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He “has no place in the Republic”. The small ultra-right group Division Martel, particularly denounced after the punitive expedition carried out in Romans-sur-Isère on November 28, was dissolved in the Council of Ministers, announced the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin on (ex-Twitter), Wednesday November 6.
“The de facto group ‘Division Martel’ was dissolved this morning in the Council of Ministers”announced the Minister of the Interior in his publication, specifying that “this small group incites violence and racial hatred”.
According to the dissolution decree, the Martel Division, which appeared during the second half of 2022, advocates combat through violence “against antifa and people of immigrant origin or presumed Muslims” For “promote the advent of nationalist and xenophobic supremacy”.