The slow decline of the French language

Once again, with the last census, we see very clearly that French is in decline everywhere in Canada, including in Quebec. How to correct this situation? I see, among other things, two solutions. The teaching of French again and again at school until compulsory success in order to move to a higher level. That Quebec have full control of francophone immigration to Quebec and that Canada is truly committed to restoring the demographic weight of francophones in the rest of the country.

The laws may be there, but if the number of people whose first language or origin is French is insufficient to form a dominant mass, then we are lost. This century will be our last, whatever the politicians say with their phony promises. Laws 101 and 96 will not stop this decline; it is a sustained French immigration. When we see competent French couples in the news who fail to obtain their citizenship or even their work permit after more than two years, it’s infuriating! We need them so badly!

Come on, we have to flood Quebec with French or francophone immigrants. We are struggling to find nurses and teachers…

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