the Skylight of Évry in the middle of the Tour de France

The most famous Windows of France was in Paris facing the Eiffel Tower all afternoon this Wednesday. The Skylight of Évry, or rather a perfectly faithful replica full-scale moved to the Emile Anthoine stadium, to the delight of budding footballers in the neighborhood and elsewhere.

The organizers of this event continue their tour of France and will be this Friday in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, before installing their giant fake wall Saturday at the Charléty stadium.

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The idea is to allow as many young people as possible to benefit from the enthusiasm around this now legendary window in the Pyramids district, in Évry.

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For “Mala”, one of the organizers of this crazy projectthe idea is to share this skylight, now social media star. “It comes from the street but it’s for everyone“, he summarizes from the outset.

“We saw that it united all generations, it brings joy, all of this has a strong social impact”he continues. “We shouldn’t selfishly keep all that in Évry, we wanted to share these values ​​throughout France. That’s why we created this real-sized wall“, details the young man from Évry.

We invented it in the southern suburbs of Paris, and now we export it all over France“, he concludes.

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