The six-time petanque world champion Dylan Rocher at the Boulodrome des Angles (Gard)

French bowler Dylan Rocher spent the day playing under the sun of the Boulodrome des Angles. Théo, a young bowler from the Gard, departmental champion in triplet could not believe it : “I usually watch him on TV but here I played against him” . On the side, a mom from the club is delighted with this day, “young and old are thrilled” she says.

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If the petanque star was able to come here it is thanks to Jean Louis Banino, the mayor of the angles, he is delighted for his constituents. The champion Dylan Rocher also spent a good afternoon playing against the young people, it reminded him of his youth and his beginnings in a petanque club. For him the next deadline is from May 12 to 15 for the world doublet championships in Denmark.

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