the six sequences to remember from the ceremony in memory of the former Minister of Justice

On Place Vendôme, Emmanuel Macron greeted the man who brought about the abolition of the death penalty in 1981. The head of state considered that his name “must be inscribed” in the Pantheon.


Reading time: 4 min

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, reflects in front of the coffin of Robert Badinter during the national tribute paid to the latter, Place Vendôme in Paris, February 14, 2024. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

Under the Parisian gray, in front of the Ministry of Justice which he had left his mark on, France paid a moving tribute on Wednesday February 14 to Robert Badinter, who died in the night from Thursday to Friday at the age of 95. During a public ceremony, Emmanuel Macron greeted the “fury to live” of the former Minister of Justice of François Mitterrand. Her name “must register” at the Pantheon, said the President of the Republic. Franceinfo invites you to relive six sequences to remember from this national tribute.

The silent arrival of Elisabeth Badinter and her family

Elisabeth Badinter, wife of Robert Badinter for more than 57 years, arrived accompanied by their children, Judith, Simon and Benjamin. In silence, all the political leaders stood up to welcome him. The philosopher sat a few rows from two elected officials from La France insoumise, a party that she did not want to see represented at this tribute.

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The silent arrival of Elisabeth Badinter and her family

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The story in images of a unique destiny, based on a Beethoven symphony

In front of the striking images of one of the last giants of the 20th century, the notes of the second movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 7th symphony, opus 92, performed by Leonard Bernstein, resounded on Place Vendôme. The one who has had a thousand lives and almost as many struggles only speaks at the end. Bernard Pivot appears, on the set of “Apostrophes”. And this question: “If God exists, what would you like to hear him say to you after your death?” “You did what you could, come in.”replies Robert Badinter, with Olympian calm.

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The story in images of a unique destiny, based on a Beethoven symphony

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Emmanuel Macron’s tribute to a “force that lives and snatches life from the hands of death”

The first part of the eulogy of the former Minister of Justice by Emmanuel Macron focused on the “fight against death”which had become “the reason of being” of the former Minister of Justice. He returned to the abolition of capital punishment, promulgated on October 9, 1981. Robert Badinter, “a force that lives and snatches life from the hands of death” and forever marked by the horror of the Shoah, as Minister of Justice brought up a subject which was not “not a political question, but a moral question”, in the words of the President of the Republic. Inhabited by a “fury to live”he will be “death penalty advocate forever”continued Emmanuel Macron.

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For Emmanuel Macron, a “force that lives snatches life from the hands of death”

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Praise for his fight against “oblivion and hatred” which “advance again”

In his eulogy, Emmanuel Macron spoke of Robert Badinter’s political struggles, emphasizing their current resonance: “You are leaving us at a time when your old adversaries, forgetting and hatred, seem to be moving forward again”. Greeting his “moral conscience that nothing erases”the President of the Republic “takes an oath to be faithful to [son] teaching and [son] commitment”.


You are leaving us at a time when your old adversaries, oblivion and hatred, seem to be advancing again,” declares Emmanuel Macron, who salutes a “conscience that death will not erase

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The evocation of the Pantheon, where its name “must be registered”

The President of the Republic concluded his speech by evoking the posterity of this “lookout with bushy eyebrows”. “Then the time begins for the recognition of the nation, so your name must be inscribed alongside those who have done so much for human progress and for France, and await you, at the Pantheon”, declared the head of state. These words were warmly applauded by the crowd gathered at Place Vendôme, where several thousand people had already left a message in the condolence registers opened after the announcement of his death.

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The name of Robert Badinter “must be registered” in the Pantheon; according to Emmanuel Macron

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The return of Robert Badinter’s coffin to the Ministry of Justice

At the end of the ceremony, the French army choir sang The Marseillaise and the coffin of the former Minister of Justice was carried into the grounds of the Ministry of Justice, which he occupied for five years under François Mitterrand. His family followed him, to the applause of the crowd. His funeral is to be held on Wednesday afternoon, privately, at the Bagneux cemetery (Hauts-de-Seine).

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The return of Robert Badinter’s coffin to the Ministry of Justice

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