The situation of French in Quebec is a real disaster

Let’s be clear. For decades, we have known that the teaching of French is struggling.

After having searched all over the world for methods qualified as pedagogical and miraculous to allow children to learn to write and read properly before entering secondary school, we have failed miserably.

The Quebec Collegiate Student Federation knows that the success rate at the end of high school would collapse if we did not adjust the pass marks towards college.

Suddenly, Quebeckers must know that future CEGEP students are no longer equipped to write correctly. This explains why they have difficulty decoding a text. In short, their reading comprehension skills are seriously deficient.

Three new ministers now hold responsibility for this. Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education, Bernard Drainville, Minister of Education, and Jean-François Roberge, Minister of the French Language and responsible for the Canadian Francophonie.


A report is to be made public by the Action Group for the Future of the French Language, but staunch defenders fear the government willfully delay the report because it would be truly catastrophic.

However, given the ministers responsible for it, one can imagine that none of them would have an interest in playing hide and seek with such a bomb.

For decades, successive governments have allowed the situation to degenerate. By incompetence or because of the heaviness of the government machine and a lack of courage.

However, Minister Pascale Déry lacks neither courage nor above all conviction to rectify the situation of French, failing which Quebec will disappear sooner than expected.

Linguistic blunder

Bernard Drainville, now responsible for Education, who fought when he was a PQ minister to strengthen language laws, would be a traitor to his past convictions if he did not consider imposing a radical reform in education. written and spoken French. Note, however, his recent blunder where he used the word “bullshiter” in public. Would it be an admission of exhaustion as Minister of Education?

Finally, it would of course be inappropriate for Jean-François Roberge not to fight for the French language to be valued in Quebec.

Is it possible that the Legault government does not consider the urgency of this revolution to be made? The new generations must get out of this poor learning of French which, for decades, has meant that young people have become almost functional illiterates up to 52%.

That the economic ministers of the CAQ perform well and help to enrich Quebec is not to be despised. But that financially enriched Quebecers no longer know how to read, write and speak their mother tongue would be based on a collective cultural impoverishment leading to our disappearance as French-speaking people in North America. Who would want the motto that adorns our license plates to become ” I can’t remember »?

Welcome to the Quebec of the future.

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