the situation of employees who abandon their position in question


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The reform of unemployment insurance is under study in the National Assembly. The journalist Gaspard de Florival is on the set of 12/13, Monday October 3, to clarify the question of job abandonments.

The reform of unemployment insurance will fuel the debates in the National Assembly, Monday, October 3. Journalist Gaspard de Florival takes stock of the set of 12/13, in particular on the subject of abandonment of post. “Legally, in the labor code, abandonment of post is a prolonged absence, unjustified and unauthorized by the company”, he explains. In general, this ends with a dismissal, after which the employee can receive unemployment benefit. “It is this point that the Minister of Labor wishes to harden”says the journalist.

Gaspard de Florival warns: “Today, there are not really any figures on the subject. But according to several Les Républicains deputies, this would sometimes be a disguised means of ending a contract, because there are certain advantages. The employee who abandons his position can receive unemployment benefits as for a dismissal or a contractual termination. “The abandonment of post would become a roundabout way of amicable termination, insofar as for the employer it is less expensive than a dismissal or a conventional termination, there is no compensation to be paid to the employee”concludes the journalist.

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