the situation is “very severe”, warns Martin Hirsch

The director general of the AP-HP also denounces the practice of certain temporary workers, whom he describes as “mercenaries”.

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The situation in Ile-de-France hospitals is judged “very severe”, alert Monday, May 30 on France Inter Martin Hirsch, the director general of the AP-HP. With the arrival of summer and the lack of staff, concern is mounting in hospitals, especially those in Paris and its region. “Everyone is worried about the summer and what the teams in the hospitals say is not overplayed”adds Martin Hirsch.

>> Bed closures, bonuses, recruitment of young graduates… Faced with the shortage of caregivers, the D system of hospitals to spend the summer

The boss of the AP-HP speaks of a “critical situation” which comes after two years of pandemic. It indicates that 15% of hospital beds at the AP-HP are closed, and that the specific problems of public hospitals in the Ile-de-France “are about nurses” : “We have 1,000 less than a year ago at the same time. We had planned to create 400 additional positions, we could not create them. So we are 1,400 nurses short of what ‘we would like to have’says Martin Hirsch.

In addition to the nurses who do not take up a post at the AP-HP once they graduate, Martin Hirsch denounces in particular the fact that some of them “use the soft drug of the interim which puts us in absolutely terrible situations”. So for him, “if there is a measure to be taken quickly, it is to regulate” this phenomenon. Because for him these temporary workers behave like “mercenaries” to “violent behavior”, “who take 1,500 bullets” to work punctually in the AP-HP emergency room. “Selling yourself like that is a problem”he says.

In response to a listener who asked him whether nurses suspended for not having been vaccinated should not be reinstated, the director general of the AP-HP indicates that this only concerns 40 nurses out of the 1,400 missing positions. “We are in the order of the symbol”he concludes.

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