The situation is tense in the West Bank


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1 minute

War between Israel and Hamas: The situation is tense in the West Bank

War between Israel and Hamas: The situation is tense in the West Bank – (franceinfo)

The conflict between Israel and Hamas risks spreading to the West Bank. What is the situation for Palestinian residents? Response elements.

Residents of the Jalazoun refugee camp (West Bank) were hit by tear gas fire. The clashes take place after the house of a jailed Hamas leader was destroyed. The West Bank has been under tension for three weeks. Some residents prefer to stay at home. “I am not afraid. Many people have left, but I refuse to go”specifies a woman.

More than 7,000 dead in Gaza

On the walls of Jenin, photos of dead Palestinians are visible. The population is shocked by Israeli strikes on Gaza. “So far there have been more than 7,000 martyrs (…) it is an ethnic cleansing operation that violated international law”says a resident.

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