the situation is tense in the Red Sea


Video length: 1 min

War between Israel and Hamas: the situation becomes tense in the Red Sea

War between Israel and Hamas: the situation is tense in the Red Sea – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – C. Verove, C. Sénéchal, @RevelateursFTV, P. Miette

France Televisions

On Wednesday, December 27, the American army destroyed twelve drones and five missiles fired by the Houthi rebels.

On December 26, the Houthi rebels attacked a behemoth 300 meters long and 40 meters wide. It was a boat off the coast of Yemen. “In the fight against the oppression of the Palestinian people subjected to killing and destruction, our naval forces carried out an operation against a commercial ship”, declares Yahya Saree, spokesperson for the Houthi military. These attacks are increasing in the Red Sea according to the Pentagon, which counts ten ships already targeted by the Houthi rebels. The rebels also claim an attempted drone strike yesterday on Israel. For Israelis, there is no doubt that Iran is at the mworkDaniel Hagari, spokesperson for the Israeli army describes it “terrorist act”.

A clash “on the razor’s edge”

Iran is organizing itself in this area against Israel and its American ally. This front is made up of the Houthis in Yemen, the Lebanese Hesbollah, Hamas and pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq. Thierry Coville, researcher at IRIS and specialist in Iran, believes that the conflict is “on the razor wire”. “Iran is very calculating, they know that if there is a direct conflict with Israel, it will be a conflict with the United States and they understand that they are no match. There is always the ‘idea of ​​not going too far’, he specifies. A coalition between American, British and Norwegian forces deploys in the Red Sea under the name “guardians of prosperity”.

source site-29