Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Friday April 15, 2022.
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Reading time : 1 min.
AroundOlivier de Lagardethe informed discuss the news on Friday April 15, 2022.
The themes
– War in Ukraine: the sinking of the ship Moskva, a blow for Russia. Where is the nuclear threat? The CIA is sounding the alarm. Are the Americans adding fuel to the fire?
– Presidential campaign: Emmanuel Macron proposes to define a ceiling for the remuneration of bosses, a nod to left-wing voters? In case of victory, which government for Marine Le Pen?
The guests
Beatrice Mathieu, editor-in-chief at the Express.
Véronique Reille-Soult, President of Backbone Consulting.
Berengère Bonte, journalist, author of the “Sioux” first biography of Edouard Philippe published by Archipelago.
Frank Dedieudeputy editorial director of Marianne.