The singer Suzane reveals herself in a second autobiographical album, “Caméo”

Suzane gives up her scenic double way Kill Bill for cameo, a more personal second album, where the messages (women’s rights or climate emergency) still surface. The artist has therefore shed the attributes that have been her mark so far on stage, between a square cut and a combination that was reminiscent of that of Uma Thurman in Quentin Tarantino’s film. cameo is approached as a self-portrait, evidenced by the cover in homage to one of the most famous photos of Vivian Maier. And the first track is called Oceane, his real first name. Oceane, a “middle-class girl who dreams of a grand life”.

“With this album, I present myself in a more official way. For ‘Toï Toï’ (first album), I had the square, the jumpsuit, the blaze stolen from my great-grandmother. I had scripted this dream of first record from the restaurant where I worked before breaking into music”

The artist enjoyed great immediate success from his first album. “Everything came to life beyond my expectations (she recently did her first Olympia) and, now, with this public that gives me love and benevolence, I have been able to remove a few layers”. In this latest album, Suzane cleaves the armor. “Suzane, the one who dares, who is not afraid, shouldn’t hide Océane. It’s like the moment when the superhero takes off his cape and goes home: this is where I invite people with cameo” , she confides.

This second album offers tracks cut for the dancefloor but also wins in places “melody and harmony” compared to You you (shout of encouragement from the dance community, his first formation). Suzane is told through certain titles such as At home (about his family), The color of summer (mourning for loved ones who left too young), To dance (where she makes fun of her homebody side before narrating a failed evening).

Commitment is never far away. Pieces like A ticket to the moon Where Disenchanted Generation (a nod to Mylène Farmer) implicitly evoke a polluted planet that is no longer running smoothly. Its ecological concerns do not date from today. To illustrate Where is the after-sales service? the singer had shot a video in Mbeubeuss, near Dakar in Senegal, in one of the largest open dumps in the world. In June 2021, she performed livestream on the Mer de Glace, at the foot of Mont-Blanc, to warn about global warming, with proceeds donated to the environmental foundation GoodPlanet.

In his new album, Krishna is dedicated to a man who had fled his country at war, Sri Lanka, who had become the owner of the restaurant who had hired Océane as a waitress when she had just arrived in Paris from her native Avignon.

“When we talk about exile, we must also think of the climate refugees who will leave their country, I hope that we will be correct with them”

Suzane has put away her “fighting suit”as she says, but she remains an activist at heart. Clit is good, his piece on female pleasure, broadens the spectrum to women’s freedom to dispose of their bodies. A way also to talk about the clitoris, this organ still too little known. The clip had been censored when it was released on video platforms because of the title. “We sexualize women to sell yogurt or a motorcycle, but when we talk about female desire, the algorithms panic”, she laments.

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