The singer has the firm intention of leaving a colossal inheritance to his two sons!

On September 21, 2004, Patrick Bruel and Amanda Sthers said “yes”, three after their meeting. From this relationship, Oscar, 18, and Léon, 16, were born. But in 2007, the couple broke up and then divorced. The same year, the singer became the owner of an olive and wine estate which he baptized Léos, a contraction of the first names of his two children, in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Vaucluse).

In 2007, he became the owner of an olive and wine estate which he baptized Léos, a contraction of the first names of his two children.

“We started (the production of olive oil, editor’s note) in 2011 in an artisanal way, a few liters just for us. As I am a gourmet, I have a lot of fellow chefs who have tasted it. found fabulous “, he said in the day’s edition of Sunday Newspaper. The artist is not idle since he created a brand of cosmetics based on the leaves of the olive trees in his domain. Without forgetting the wine production that he decided to start. “It’s longer. I told my sons that it would be up to them to continue this work. But we already have a good rosé, called Augusta, like my mother”.

In this interview, the one who is also an actor gave explanations on the genesis of this field.

“I was three years old when my family left Algeria for the Paris region. Setting up in Provence is a happy medium. I wanted to signify my roots and give some to my sons. They live in the United States. with their mother but I involve them in everything we do here. They grew up in this house “.

See also: “I’m the first sorry”, Patrick Bruel speaks to explain why his concerts are postponed!


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