the singer has “freaked out”!

At 70, Renaud continues to intrigue the crowds! Despite his immense popularity, the happy dad of two longs to live away from the spotlight. So this Monday, April 10, 2023, the “BFM TV” channel unveiled a new number of Red line who honored him. baptized “Confidential Renaud”, this unprecedented report allowed those close to him to indulge like never before in front of the camera. Key moments in his life were also mentioned.

In particular one of his concerts which had a huge impact on him in 1985 as indicated by “La Dépêche”. When he was 33 years old, Renaud was invited to Russia by young communists to shine on stage. “He’s super happy” assures Mourad Malk close and ex-guitarist of the star in an extract from the report. “The concert starts really well. The people in front, who were French-speakers, were all in.”

Unfortunately for Renaud, his show will quickly turn into a nightmare. “Here’s a Slightly Sassy Song”loose Renaud to his audience before intoning “Deserter”: “When the Russians, the Ricans will blow up the planet, I will look smart with my bicycle…”. But the words of his tube set fire to the powder. “There’s a whistle. And then all the Russians get up and break. Two of the cameras turn around to show they didn’t agree,” adds Mourad Malk.

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“He was in a deep scare…”

A situation that would have shocked his friend to the highest degree. “I think at that moment something went wrong in his head,” confides the latter. “He explodes, he’s furious. I’ve never seen him like that, I who know him. He’s silent, he’s someone who controls himself. And there he freaked out. […]”. Fearing for his life, Renaud was constantly on the alert: “He was in bad shape, he was only thinking of leaving. He was convinced that they were going to knock us out. He was in deep, but real fear. And that was the beginning of his illness, that’s for sure” .

For Mourad Malk, this incident has continued to torment the singer: “At that point, he’s going to get into a very big paranoia. He doesn’t want to eat because he thinks we’re going to poison him, he doesn’t want to touch people because he thinks we’re going to transmit the AIDS virus to him… There will develop in Renaud this paranoia which will drive him crazy“.


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