The singer Gari Greu and the Massilia Sound System in concert in Bollène on April 29.

The Massilia Sound System © Radio France

Massilia Sound System is still there!

The group was created in 1984 in… Marseille of course!

We had missed them so much… We didn’t really dare to believe it anymore… And yet, it’s very true… Papet J, Moussu T, Gari Grèu and the whole gang returned to the studios a few months ago and a new album is born ! His name is BAD CARACTER !

"Bad Caracter" the last album of Massilia sound system
“Sale Character” the last album of Massilia sound system © Radio France
Massilia sound system

Massilia Sound System, Dirty Character. Manivette Records / Baco Distrib

Gari Greu
Gari Greu © Radio France
© Blue line

the last album “dirty character” is the 9th and it only asks to be performed on stageto join all the other hits of the group..

the date is set for April 29 at the Bollène cigalière!

Massilia Sound System concert
Massilia Sound System concert © Radio France
Ezio Law

The night is likely to be hot, long and beautiful! …

The Massilias in full, you can’t miss it! Book your tickets quickly, there will not be for everyone.

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And.. good news never comes alone..

the Oai Star record sound new album which will be released in early 2023!!!

concert dates massilia sound system
concert dates massilia sound system

source site-36