The singer faced with a big unexpected event that almost ruined everything!

Slimane was Bernard Montiel’s last guest at the microphone of RFM. The singer unveiled his solo album, Chronicles of a Cupidunveiled on Friday, September 2.

The opportunity for the artist to talk about one of the titles of the opus, Toi whose clip has accumulated nearly 550,000 views since its release on August 26th. But the young man does not appear in this video. Only the dancer Theodora Guermonprez appears there. But why ? “I fell very ill”he explained to the host. “It’s the first time in my life, I couldn’t be there for the clip”. In the end, it was a different version from the one planned that was offered on Youtube.

As he prepares to conclude the VerSus tour, Slimane explained the reasons why his duet with Vitaa ended. “We really love each other”he said before adding. “We just did forty songs together… Now we’re so connected on a lot of other things too that we don’t necessarily need to add more. We’ve done a lot of songs together and I think that the day we go back to the studio, we will have to have been through a lot of things both, each on our side, for it to work again”.

See also: Christophe Willem and Slimane appear for the first time together, all Instagram conquered!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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