The Simpsons Censored in Hong Kong


France 2

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The American series The Simpsons is subject to censorship by the Chinese authorities.

If one still needed an illustration of the takeover of Hong Kong by the Chinese authorities, it would be with The Simpsons. One of the episodes of the American cartoon has purely and simply disappeared from the Hong Kong internet platforms, where it had been broadcast since 2005. In this episode, The Simpsons go to Beijing (China), to the mausoleum of Mao Zedong.

They also go to Tian’anmen Square, a highly symbolic place where one can read on a sign: “Here in 1989, nothing happened”. It’s a satirical nod to the way Chinese power is trying to rewrite history and erase the 1989 massacre from collective memory. The Chinese power continues to extend its censorship on the former British colony since the law on national security. Freedoms in Hong Kong are shrinking today, says France Télévisions journalist Arnauld Miguet.


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