the simplification of the health protocol at school leaves parents skeptical

The protocol against Covid-19 at school has been lightened since Thursday, January 6. From now on, when the children are in contact, they must be tested three times: the first day with an antigen test or PCR, then on D + 2 and D + 4. The new protocol allows parents not to repeat this cycle of three tests for their children, if a second case of Covid-19 develops in their classroom within the following seven days. However, the matter remains complicated for the parents of this school in the 17th arrondissement of Paris.

>> DIRECT. Covid-19: the opinion of the High Council for Public Health on the generalization of FFP2 masks expected today

When they leave school, two mothers roll their eyes: Ethel and Émilie are fed up with the changes. “It’s only Friday and there have already been three different communications! We’re completely lost, plague one. It’s the initial case that counts and it doesn’t hurt anymore because otherwise, in fact, they’re going to have it every other day and it will restart from zero each time: it’s endless. “

Florent enters this ball of tests for his son, in CE2 and case contact. “He took a negative antigen test to come back to school, he explains. And afterwards, we will do as they told us, with the self-tests, to J+2 and on D + 4. And if another child is infected, we will wait! There are fewer tests to do, but that means that it is possible that there are several children who are infected, who infect others. And no one is in contact within seven days. And that is ridiculous. “

And all is not very clear to the children. Yvan, 6 and a half, queues for a test in front of a pharmacy for the eighth time with his mother Tatyana.

“It’s true that it’s a little bit difficult to follow. I think three tests can be a bit much. Two would be good: one test right away and one test after five days, that wouldn’t be bad. “

Before a possible new protocol, Clémentine, mother of three boys, adapts, but not all of her friends. “I won’t hide from you that today, we do a little bit from day to day, she smiles. We are lucky to know the pharmacies downstairs very well, so we laugh at seeing each other every day because when it’s not one, it’s the other. But that’s how it is: the important thing is that it is negative to go to school and I follow the protocol in that sense. On the other hand, I have a lot of friends, sincerely, who no longer test, who are fed up with it. “

His friends are therefore ready to make false certificates to send their children back to school. Other parents say they are ready to stop sending them to class to avoid all these tests.

Parents of students facing the health protocol: report by Lauriane Delanoë

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