Video length: 7 min
Businesses: the simplification of pay slips, “readability” and a “guarantee of confidence” according to Bruno Le Maire
Tuesday April 23, 20 Heures welcomes the Minister of the Economy who promises to simplify the lives of small businesses and their employees.
(France 2)
Tuesday April 23, 20 Heures welcomes the Minister of the Economy who promises to simplify the lives of small businesses and their employees.
Bruno Le Maire presented to the Council of Ministers a simplification law for small and medium-sized businesses. The flagship measure: simplification of the pay slip. “A pay slip is sometimes 55 lines long. We want a slip with around fifteen lines”, explains Bruno Le Maire. The employee will be able to “see what he receives, what he pays in contributions and taxes, and what he earns at the end of the month”. For the Minister of the Economy, the pay slip will thus gain in “readability” and become “a guarantee of confidence and economy for business leaders”.
80% of Cerfa forms deleted
According to Bruno Le Maire, business leaders are asking “less paperwork. (…) There are still 1,800 Cerfa forms. We will eliminate 80% of them by 2026”he declares. “Each year, we will identify the standards and rules that must be removed and pruned so that life as a business leader is simpler”, he continues. Asked about the calculation error concerning France’s deficit (5.5% instead of the 4.9% announced), Bruno Le Maire indicates that his ministry “[regardera] how and why we arrived at this error on the recipes.”