“This is really an interesting step forward because it is always important to expand the range of free healthcare services,” said Camille Spire, its president, on franceinfo on Thursday.
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“The simpler the circuit, the more efficient it is,” welcomed Camille Spire, president of the Aides association, on franceinfo on Thursday July 11, while screening for four new sexually transmitted infections will be free at the start of the school year for young people under 26. The decree has just been published. This screening was already free for HIV.
“This is really an interesting step forward because it is always important to expand the range of free healthcare services available.”believes Camille Spire. “This really helps to facilitate access to care, to facilitate screening and prevention.” She emphasizes “the idea of going directly to a city laboratory without having to go through other circuits”to facilitate the care pathway of an adolescent patient who has doubts. She nevertheless issues “a small reserve” on the measure: “It’s this idea that for minors, parental authorization is required. So that seems to us to be a bit of a barrier.” Aides President Calls for “maybe go a little further”.
“We know that it is complicated to talk about sexuality in front of your parents, your family and also in front of the family doctor.”
Camille Spire, president of the Aides associationon franceinfo
Camille Spire, however, deplores a “almost no message” prevention of sexually transmitted infections, “whether towards the general population or in schools.” According to her, there is in “Official education at school level, huge problems in maintaining the few sessions that should take place per year. And that prevents quality prevention work.”