From Monday January 29, “TPMP”, the flagship show of C8, will be broadcast live from Monday to Sunday. At the helm of the weekend formula, still Cyril Hanouna, but with new faces in the team.
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No television channel is so monomaniacal! C8 adds four hours of weekly air time to Cyril Hanouna. From next week, he will also be present on weekends.
Even M6, which uses and abuses Stéphane Plaza’s broadcasts, does not go that far. Cyril Hanouna will soon be doing almost 18 hours live since he will be officiating from Monday to Sunday. The show Do not touch My TV (TPMP) will also be available on weekends, between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. A formula which will be tested for ten weeks, until April, and may be renewed depending on the audiences.
The principle remains approximately the same: the host in majesty facing his columnists, but it is above all the media and political news that will be deciphered. With familiar faces, like Valérie Benaïm, and newcomers. A first name has been announced: Jean Lassalle. The former MP and candidate in the last two presidential elections was to be the second political leader to join Cyril Hanouna after Ségolène Royal. But in recent hours, he confided to South West “not having taken [sa] decision“, speaking of a “real case of conscience“, particularly regarding the status of columnist: “Today, what bothers me is the repetition of shows as well as the status of columnist. A status which implies being paid and places me in another form of representation“, explains the Béarnais.
TPMP even on weekends, a risky bet
This new formula is a financial gamble, that’s obvious. A live program costs more than a rebroadcast. For example, on Saturday access prime time, there are usually rebroadcasts of the show Only the truth matters and this does not incur costs for the channel, unlike an unpublished TPMP.
It’s also an audience challenge because Cyril Hanouna’s talk show is a popular event during the week, but at the weekend, viewers have other habits: 50′ inside, Seven to eight, 66 Minutess or even TV Kids. We’ll have to make a place for ourselves.
Two new programs with Cyril Hanouna
The star presenter of C8 is increasing his air time and this is a desire on his part, he wants to be more and more present. Because, even if TPMP achieved its best historical year in 2023 with 1.8 million viewers on average each evening, it is not the talk leader : he is preceded by Daily and its 2 million followers on TMC.
Cyril Hanouna also plans to launch two new programs: Additional investigationwhich he will co-present once a month with Jacques Cardoze, former journalist for Further investigation who continues to denounce the investigation methods of his former colleagues at France Télévisions. And 10 to 1, a show this time in tandem with Pascale from La Tour du Pin. The concept: one guest facing 10 detractors. Cyril Hanouna promised that he would be the first to face criticism from 10 opponents, who should however be handpicked.