The Short Film Festival in Metz and in the Grand-Est, a France Bleu Lorraine event

Facilitating access to short films is the objective of “La Fête du Court-Métrage à Metz et dans le Grand-Est” which will take place from March 16 to 22, 2022.

Discover the world of short films through a varied range of screenings, exhibitions and encounters! Free cultural eventthe 2022 Short Film Festival continues to invest more than cultural places in the city of Metz.

National and international eventthis 6th edition also offers image education workshops, debates, a film concert,… and other surprises!

See you from March 16 to 22, 2022 in Metz at L’Agora, Cinéma KLUB, L’aérogare and Place Saint-Louis.

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Adventure, emotion, laughter, so that everyone can find what they are looking for!

Five programs for the youngest will amaze young and old. You will notably be able to discover A SQUARE FOR BIODIVERSITY, by Morgane Boullier or VENT DE FÊTE, by Marjolaine Perreten, or ENTRACTE, by Anthony Lemaitre.

The classics, to see and see again, such as CHARLOT FAIT UNE CURE, by Charlie Chaplin, as well as HEUREUX ANNIVERSAIRE, by Pierre Etaix, will also be there.

And many others…!

attach © Radio France

Free programming for young audiences, families, amateur and professional moviegoers!

  • The Agora: March 17
  • KLUB Cinema: March 16 and 22
  • The terminal: March 19 and 20
  • Place Saint-Louis: March 18

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