the shooting seems to be the work of “the opposing party”, estimates Joe Biden, visiting Israel

“The evidence, which we share with you all, confirms that the explosion at a Gaza hospital was caused by a failed rocket fire.” During a press conference organized on Wednesday October 18, theThe Israeli army claims to have “proofs” of the responsibility of Palestinian group in explosion inside Gaza hospital which caused hundreds of deaths. The Israeli army notably released the transcript of a conversation between two Hamas leaders who discussed a rocket attack from the Palestinian armed group. The shooting appears to be the work of “the opposing party”, said Joe Biden, upon arriving in Israel. Follow our live stream.

The UN secretary general calls for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas. “My heart is with the families of the victims. The hospitals and medical staff are under the protection of international humanitarian law”declared Antonio Guterres who said to himself “horrified”. And to add: “LHamas terrorist attack should not justify “collective punishment” of the Palestinian population.

The situation in Gaza is “getting out of control”, according to the head of the WHO. “Every second we wait for medical help, we lose lives”lamented on Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stressing that medical supplies had been blocked for four days at the border between Egypt and Gaza.

Olaf Scholz says he is “horrified”.Innocent civilians were injured and killed. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims.”writing on the German chancellor. He asks for a “thorough investigation”.

Israel accuses Islamic Jihad of being behind the shooting. Confusion reigns over deadly hospital strike Ahli Arab in Gaza. This raid, attributed to Israel by Hamas, left at least 200 dead, according to the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian territory. The Israeli army, for its part, denies being behind this strike and attributes it to the Palestinian organization Islamic Jihad. “It was the barbaric terrorists in Gaza who hit the hospital, not the Israeli army”, said on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Angry protests across the Muslim world. From Tunis (Tunisia) to Beirut (Lebanon), passing through Tehran (Iran), thousands of people came to support the Palestinian people, in the wake of the strike on the Gaza hospital.

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