Video length: 2 min
Sick leave: the shocking proposals from the Court of Auditors
Sick leave: the shocking proposals from the Court of Auditors
(France 2)
In order to make savings, the Court of Auditors recommended, Thursday May 30, no longer compensating stoppages of less than eight days and increasing the waiting period from three to seven days.
Less compensation for sick leave to cover the Social Security deficit. This proposal from the Court of Auditors shocked patients and caregivers, but also certain employers. According to the Court of Auditors, sick leave costs too much. They cost 7.7 billion euros in 2017, compared to 12 billion in 2022, an increase of 56% in five years. The Court would therefore like to tighten the rules. Currently, the first three days of downtime are not compensated by Social Security in the private sector, and the first day in the public sector. The Court of Auditors recommends moving to seven days of waiting time in both the private and public sectors.
A proposal criticized by some patients. “I can’t afford to lose a week of work financially.” deplores a woman. According to a doctor, these savings on Social Security could even encourage viruses, because some employees could choose to go to work while sick. Some companies are also opposed to this idea, because many of them pay for sick leave.