The shocking images of a high school in Aulnay-sous-Bois deprived of heating and light

Emmanuel Macron promised last week “There will be no cuts“and the images shot by our colleagues from RMC are cause for indignation. At the Voillaume high school in Aulnay-sous-Bois, one of the largest in the Créteil academy, the 2,400 students spend the winter in conditions “unworthy“. In the establishment, the channel indeed films broken windows, collapsed ceiling tiles, broken heaters and shows power cuts despite the renovations.

“When I arrive in the morning, I don’t want to work, it’s so cold”

A framework that is not really conducive to study. And a first-grade student confessed: “When I arrive in the morning, I don’t feel like working, it’s so cold.“, while another adds: “In some rooms, the windows are broken and we have to keep them open. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. without heating, it’s complicated”.

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And blackouts are common, there have reportedly been 10 since the start of November, forcing everyone to work by flashing mobile phone flashes. The Île-de-France region, of which the former presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse is the president, would have already been warned but there would currently be no “no prospect of improvement” according to the documentalist, Delphine Roncilhac.

The Île-de-France region alerted to the file

And for good reason: the filmed building as well as the gymnasium are not included in the school’s renovation plan. This is why the teaching staff decided to “alert the public” about this dire situation. According to RMC, the Île-de-France region, responsible for the work and alerted on several occasions by the establishment, did not respond to its requests.

Traveling to Tirana, Albania, for a European summit on December 6, the President of the Republic had insisted: “Stop all that! We are a great country, we have a great energy model, we will hold out this winter despite the war. And I ask everyone to do their job“. And to add: “The scenarios of fear, it is not! There is no room for controversy.”.


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