the shocking confessions of his 4-year-old nephew whom he has never been able to meet…

Grégory Lemarchal is one of the public figures who have marked the French enormously. In the early 2000s, he made himself known to the general public by winning the fourth edition of the Star Academy. Suffering from cystic fibrosis, the ex-acolyte of Sofiane Tadjine sees – from an early age – his daily life disturbed because of his health concerns.

However, the former companion of Karine Ferri will multiply tours and musical projects to the delight of his admirers. But on April 2, 2007, Grégory Lemarchal – then 23 years old – was hospitalized in the Paris region while waiting for a lung transplant. After being placed in an artificial coma, he died on April 30, 2007 following complications from his illness.

“Why can’t I see it, Grégory”

Fifteen years after his brutal disappearance, his admirers continue to honor his memory. Just like his relatives. This Thursday, April 28, 2022 in the columns of GalaLeslie Lemarchal (Grégory’s sister, editor’s note) confided in her son Paul, who never knew his uncle. “He was the one who told me about it the first time during confinement”she confessed to our colleagues. “He was two and a half years old […] and he said to me: ‘Why can’t I see him, Grégory’? “.

With the right words, the young mother therefore told her all her story. “At first, he was scared. Scared for me. Let me get sick, let me go too. I reassured him. I want my children to grow up with a healthy dose of optimism,” affirmed the youngest of the family and underlined with philosophy: “Since then, he has listened to his titles at his request. I did it very little or only at particular times. Now I play Greg songs with my son. It’s very emotional.”


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