the shock video of L214 on a Bigard slaughterhouse



France 2

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The animal defense association L214 denounces serious deficiencies in a slaughterhouse of the Bigard brand in Cuiseaux, in Saône-et-Loire.

Conscious cattle hanging by their feet, pregnant cows about to be killed in a ritual slaughter. These shocking images were filmed in a slaughterhouse of the Bigard brand in Cuiseaux, in Saône-et-Loire, by a volunteer from the L214 animal defense association. An immersion of more than three months in a discreet camera on the slaughter line and unpublished images, like those of a man, taking blood by cardiac puncture on a fetus calf to be then resold to laboratories.

“It pains me […] and in addition they die suffocated in the wombs of their mothers “, he confides. In this slaughterhouse, 500 animals are killed per day. The Bigard group is number one in beef and veal in France. And with brands like Charal, Bigard, Socopa, it owns 70% of the sale of chopped steaks. When contacted, the company did not wish to answer France 2’s questions.

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