the sexual abuse of a priest made “very many victims”, according to the archdiocese

The three dioceses had made public these attacks on minors by Father Louis Ribes in a joint press release published the week of January 10.

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He had practiced in the dioceses of Lyon, Grenoble and Saint-Etienne. Of “very many victims” would have suffered, in the years 1970-80, the sexual assaults of a priest who died in 1994, said Wednesday January 19 the Archbishop of Lyon. The three dioceses had made public these attacks on minors by Father Louis Ribes in a joint press release published the week of January 10 on their internet portals.

The work of the Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (Ciase) and the call for witnesses launched by the dioceses, which began “to bear fruit”, “let us think that the victims are, unfortunately, certainly very numerous”, declared in front of the press Mgr Olivier de Germay, archbishop of Lyon.

“It is difficult to give a precise figure”, he pointed out, however, because “The numbers are changing day by day”.

During a public meeting on Tuesday evening in Grammond (Loire), where the priest was from and where he often returned, “a dozen people came” athus “declared victims”, among “a gentleman (who) testified, for the first time” of his sufferings.

A report had been made by the daughter of a victim to the diocese of Grenoble “in 2016”. The facts could be confirmed thanks to the assistance of the investigators of Ciase. “We lack a little coordination between dioceses”, recognized Bishop de Germay.

Father Ribes was known for his frescoes and stained glass in churches in the region. The exhibition of these works being “insupportable” for the victims, the Church has decided to have them removed, which began on Tuesday, especially since “some were inspired by the children he posed naked”.

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