The series “The man who loved too much” will revive in Slovakia

The Quebec series The man who loved too muchimagined, written and produced by Anne Boyer and Michel D’Astous, will be adapted in Slovakia.

The Duo Productions box of the two authors and producers, who created this relational thriller last year on behalf of Noovo, has commissioned Keshet International (KI) to sell the format. This is a first signed license in this case.

Piknik Pictures will produce the Slovak adaptation. Casting is underway and filming is set to kick off later this year, with a view to airing on TV JOJ in 2024.

In Quebec, it is Patrice Godin who embodies the main character, that of a man who leads a double life, having two families, one on the island of Montreal and the other in Magog, in the Eastern Townships. As if that wasn’t already enough management for him, he fell in love with a third woman, in Bromont. Following an accident he suffers, all of the sales representative’s lives meet in the hospital, bringing the truth to light. Hélène Florent, Fanny Mallette and Nadia Kounda embody the three women in the life of the character in the original version.

Duo Productions has manufactured shows like If we loved each other, My mother, My son, We, Classified Secret, After, The blue Hour And Yamaska.

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