“The sentence is in total dissonance with the charges brought”, according to the lawyer of one of the condemned

The main defendant, Jean-Pierre Bouyer, was sentenced to four years in prison, including one year suspended, for having attempted to assassinate the President of the Republic. His lawyer denounces a file rigged up.

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The Paris Criminal Court pronounced nine acquittals and four convictions, Friday, February 17, in the trial of the 13 members of the ultra-right group, called “Les Barjols”, suspected of having fomented attacks against elected officials, migrants or mosques. For defense lawyers these men are not dangerous, they are just yellow vests.

Lawyers denounce a trip to absurdity

After three weeks of trial, the defense denounced a farce and a legal fiasco, a journey into absurdity. According to Maître Olivia Ronen, who defends the main defendant Jean-Pierre Bouyer, sentenced to four years in prison, including one year suspended for having wanted to assassinate the President, this judgment shows the emptiness of the file. “Here we have confirmation that the facts alleged at the start, the idea of ​​assassinating Emmanuel Macron, it does not hold at all, details the lawyer. “The sentence is in total dissonance with the charges brought.”

“If there really was a plan to attack the president, Jean-Pierre Bouyer would not be sentenced to four years in prison, one of which was suspended.”

Maître Olivia Ronen, lawyer for Jean-Pierre Bouyer

at franceinfo

Like the three other convicts, Jean Pierre Bouyer will not return to prison, he has already served his sentence in preventive. For the nine other releases, it’s a relief. “We welcome this judgment with great satisfaction.”explains master Gabriel Dumenil, who defends one of the released, suffering from mental handicap. “The court was sensitive to the arguments of the defense and considered that when one is not able to understand the slightest question, the slightest second degree, one cannot be condemned for acts of terrorism. It took five years to succeed in making this understood, the court understood it, I hope that the prosecution will not appeal and that this young person will be able to continue his life in the best possible way”. The prosecution has ten days to appeal. When the judgment was announced, none of the defendants reacted.

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