the sensation “Bunny” Shaw, the daughter of Bob Marley as a savior… Three things to know about Jamaica, the first opponent of Les Bleues

The Reggae Girlz challenge the France team of coach Hervé Renard, Sunday, at the Sydney Football Stadium, for the opening of group F.

A first obstacle to master. To begin its World Cup campaign, the France team is opposed to Jamaica, Sunday July 23, in Sydney. Qualified thanks to their status as third in the last North American championship, the Reggae Girlz want to show that they have reached a milestone since their first World Cup in 2019.

In a group F where the Blues and the Brazilians act as favorites for qualification, the 43rd nation in the world will be keen not only to dominate Panama, but why not also play the spoilsports.We are not going to the World Cup to complain, we intend to leave the group”, has also warned coach Lorne Donaldson.

Khadija Shaw, danger number 1

On the Blue side, the defense will have to be particularly attentive against Khadija Shaw. Voted player of the year 2022 by Concacaf despite the presence of Canadians and Americans, the Manchester City striker is a real poison. Its size (1.82 m) and its speed make it a formidable weapon in front of the opposing cages.

In addition to his 55 achievements (a record) in 38 selections with Jamaica, the one everyone calls “Bunny” Since childhood, because of her love for carrots, she has been used to appearing high in the scorer rankings: she won the title in D1 Arkema with Bordeaux in 2020-2021 thanks to 22 achievements, before finishing second in England this season (20 goals).

Asked about her, the tricolor defender Wendie Renard gave her impression of the phenomenon, which she has already encountered on the lawns of France. She is a naturally powerful pivot player, able to keep the balls to allow her defense to go up, detailed the captain in a press conference. We know what to expect, we analyzed on video, it is up to us collectively and defensively to be strong, to be together, and to defend well..

A workforce renewed by half since 2019

For its first World Cup in France, four years ago, Jamaica finished 4th in a group of too high a level (Italy, Australia, Brazil). But of the 23 internationals brought to the Oceania continent this year, only half attended. Since then, the Federation has sought to strengthen the workforce, focusing in particular on foreign-born elements with Jamaican origins. As a result, the 12 news are all British or American by birth. This is particularly the case of the titular goalkeeper, Rebecca Spencer, who plays for Tottenham.

While she defended the colors of England among young people more than a decade ago, the door will play her first World Cup at 32 years old. “I never thought there could be another opportunity for me than England. Playing for Jamaica is the best decision I’ve made. I’m proud of my heritage,” she said in 2022 to Sky Sports after honoring her first capes. In total, only five members of the selection have emerged on the Caribbean island.

A selection saved by Cedella Marley

In Jamaica, players are used to rough times. Launched in 1991, the national women’s football development program was simply suspended in 2008 after the team failed to qualify for the Beijing Games. It then took until 2014 for Bob Marley’s daughter, Cedella, to relaunch the project with financial assistance.

“I was told that the team was about to be disbanded because they didn’t have the financial means to play. It wasn’t because they weren’t good, but because they didn’t have the funds. The men had it, but not the girls”told ESPN the one who was then named ambassador of the selection.

However, this did not prevent the players of 2023 from stepping up to denounce a “extreme disorganization” of their Federation as the World Cup approaches. A crowdfunding kitty was even launched by the mother of one of the selected ones to cover travel expenses.

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