the Senate intends to show its responsibility


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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The pension reform bill arrives in the Senate on Thursday, March 2.

While the pension reform bill arrives in the Senate on Thursday March 2, the Upper House of Parliament intends to take the opportunity to position itself as a responsible counter-power, with a substantive and democratic debate. The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, intends to study the text entirely. An approach that contrasts with the tensions of the Bourbon palace where the discussions had bogged down due to 20,000 amendments tabled in particular by the left.

Then place a mixed parity commission

In the Senate, it is four times less: 4,700 amendments were tabled. The senatorial left adopts a different strategy than that of the deputies of the Nupes. It intends to study all the articles of the text and discuss them. Elected officials have until March 12 at midnight to vote on the text. Then, place for a joint joint commission bringing together seven deputies and seven senators, specifies the journalist of France Télévisions, Juliette Coulais.

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