This was the most controversial measure of the bill, with the right believing that this article opened the way to “massive” regularization.
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The Senate voted, Wednesday, November 8, to remove the flagship measure of the government’s immigration bill, that providing a residence permit for certain undocumented workers in professions in shortage, considering that this article opened the way to a regularization “massive”.
The senatorial majority of the right and the center, however, agreed before this deletion (191 votes for, 138 against) on the drafting of another article providing for a residence permit “exceptional” and with tougher outlines for workers in sectors with labor shortages, which should be adopted unless there are any surprises a little later, in continuation of the examination of this sensitive text.
Risk of a “draught” according to LR
“The consequence of this amendment which is tabled is obviously the deletion of the original article 3 in the text”, declared the LR president of the Laws commission François-Noël Buffet, “considering that it could lead to significant, not to say massive, regularization”. The government measure would have generated a “automatic right” to regularization, also denounced the president of the LR group Bruno Retailleau, fearing a “air call” migratory.
The Senate majority’s compromise is “acceptable to the government”, estimated the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, who opposed in principle the deletion of his article, voted by 191 votes for and 138 against.
Presented as a “Red line” on the right but popular with the left wing of the presidential camp, article 3 provided in its wording by the government the granting of a one-year renewable residence permit to people who work in “jobs in tension”, proof of three years of presence in France as well as eight pay slips.