the security of the infrastructures in question

A risk of falling from part of the facade, a threat of collapse or even a risk of fire, a report reveals failures within the Gare du Nord. A threat to the safety of staff and passengers that the SNCF refutes.

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What state is Gare du Nord really in? Is security guaranteed for the 600,000 people who pass through every day? The report submitted to justice sows doubt. The expert is mandated by the company StatioNord. She was responsible for the renovation of the Gare du Nord for a time before the contract was interrupted by the SNCF. In his report, he points to worrying technical and structural failures.

In the document that we have obtained, we discover a risk of collapse of part of the facade of an office building of the SNCF located rue de Maubeuge. In the photos, we can see ropes holding concrete blocks. In the event of a fall, they would fall onto the tracks.

A major risk to human lives

François Pinchon, engineer and expert with the Court of Cassation

Expert report, 22/12/2022

A risk of fire at the boarding bridge to the Eurostar has been detected. It could be caused by the presence of technical conduits and electrical networks in non-regulatory wooden false floors.

Finally, the tracks of transiliens H and K could collapse on the underground tracks of RER B and D would appear in the event of derailment. In question, failing support posts.

According to the StatioNord company that we contacted, François Pinchon’s report confirms points already noted during the mandatory studies carried out before the start of the renovation work. They would have been ignored by the SNCF, however alerted.

Contacted, SNCF Gares et Connexions wanted to respond point by point. She specifies that her explanations were addressed to the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune.

This document, used maliciously, is not the work of an expert, but is based solely on the incriminating elements provided by Ceetrus.

SNCF Stations and Connections


According to the company, the facade, rue de Maubeuge, is subject to regular technical checks and does not constitute any danger. The walkway that could end up in flames would be equipped with fire detectors. There would never have been any question of collapse. Reinforcement of the support piers between the suburban station and the road slab had been mentioned in the event of the construction of a new building. A project finally modified.

In a press release, SNCF Gares et Connexions “disputes the method and the conclusions” of this report. She adds : “This document, used maliciously, is not the work of an expert, but is based solely on the incriminating evidence provided by Ceetrus.”

Indeed, the Semop (mixed economy company with single operation) StatioNord, composed of Ceetrus, real estate subsidiary of the Auchan group, and SNCF Gares et Connexions had obtained in 2019 the contract for the renovation of the Gare du Nord. But in the fall of 2021, the SNCF decided to break the latter. She puts forward several reasons, in particular delays in the delivery of the work or even schedules not submitted. Reasons disputed by StatioNord.

Justice is seized in order to obtain compensation for unilateral breach of contract. The sum claimed by the company StatioNord amounts to 350 million euros.

Regarding the renovation of the Gare du Nord, work revised downwards has just begun. Cost of the redevelopment, 85 million euros.

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