According to the latest figures from Social Security in 2022, 60% of establishments were in deficit two years ago.
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“The sector is in a triple crisis”warns Laurent Guillot, CEO of Emeis (ex-Orpea), guest of franceinfo Tuesday September 10. “Financial crisis, healthcare crisis, investment crisis”he explains. “We’ve been saying it for two years”says Laurent Guillot, appointed after the Orpea scandal.
“I hope that the government will finally take up this task”he adds, as the Ehpad conference opens on Tuesday to consider their future. Two-thirds of public or private non-profit establishments are in deficit according to the latest figures from Social Security in 2022.
The financial crisis is linked to inflation which has not been “compensated by an increase in tariffs or state subsidies”according to Laurent Guillot. Nursing homes will also need “120 000 nurses” in a context where the profession lacks attractiveness, warns Laurent Guillot. He finally points out the increase in the number of elderly people. To accommodate them, “We will have to invest”he warns.
Laurent Guillot calls for “rebuilding the model”. “We have reached the limits”warns the CEO of Emeis, who is calling for collective reflection with the public authorities for a new financing model, currently shared between families and social security.
Laurent Guillot is putting forward some ideas. “Some of the elderly have real estate. What do we do with this resource? Some of the elderly have a little more resources than the others. What do we do? How do we reorganize? This is a question that must be put on the table.”he assumes.