The section that is good for young parents

To catch our breath with young children or to offer us a moment of reflection, here is the section… which feels good!

Posted yesterday at 9:00 a.m.

A diary for the new mom

After the baby arrives, her first steps into her new life are often quickly recorded in a diary. But not those of the mother. Moments, a structured journal produced in Quebec with the collaboration of maternal health psychologists, offers to facilitate the mother’s adaptation to her new daily life and to help her through this period called the fourth trimester. Five minutes a day for six months is enough time to answer the questions suggested in the notebook to reconnect with yourself and create a space for yourself. Of course, you can use an ordinary notebook, but to be accompanied in the process and to have a beautiful object in your hand, it also helps to motivate you.

Moments is available online as well as in 10 stores in Quebec (including Petit Hurricane et Co., Livia Maternité, Veille sur toi and in three Clément stores starting in mid-September). Ten percent of profits are donated to La Maison Bleue, an organization that supports pregnant women in vulnerable situations.

Valerie Simard, The Press

A Quebec application to follow your pregnancy


Preview of the new Birth and Grow app

This is the first application of its kind designed in Quebec and it has just been developed by the reference site Naître et grandi. Free and without advertising, it allows you to follow the evolution of the baby, from pregnancy to 2 years old. Future parents will have access to images of the fetus as well as answers to the questions most frequently asked during the first 24 months of life – on development, health and well-being, nutrition, family life. .. The application even allows you to follow the progress of several children at the same time.

Laila Maalouf, The Press

Grief and anxiety at the height of a child


Olivia’s mourning and Timothy’s Anxietytext by Martine Latulippe and Nathalie Parent

Olivia is deeply saddened. Her cat Flocon is dead. His parents try to change his mind, but nothing calms his pain. For his part, Timothée is worried. He doesn’t want to move. What if he had no friends at his new school? Through Olivia’s story and that of Timothée, author Martine Latulippe and psychologist Nathalie Parent help toddlers deal with grief and anxiety. Throughout the pages of these two albums, different questions invite children aged 3 and over to discuss how they feel. A guide for parents accompanies each title. A way to gently open the dialogue with your child and offer him tools to better manage his emotions.

Olivia’s mourning and Timothy’s Anxiety, text by Martine Latulippe and Nathalie Parent. Illustrated by Catherine Petit. Saint-Jean Publisher. From 3 years old.

Veronique Larocque, The Press

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