the Section Paloise wins the first stage of the summer in Perpignan

The Paloise Section is a bit of a summer hit in rugby 7! Like last year, the Béarnais won the first round of the season, in Perpignan this time, announcing among the favorites of the season to win the Supersevens. This stage victory allows the team coached by Geoffrey Lanne-Petit to win its direct qualification for the final stage, next November at the Arena de Nanterre… and to fill up with confidence while there are still two summer stages to go, next week in La Rochelle, then at home in Le Hameau on August 27th.

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Essay Festival

Finally, Section Paloise got the better of Monaco, vice-champion of France, with a score of 29 to 5, thanks to five tries from Tuimaba, Hewat, Levron, Auradou and Bouhier. The end of a day ideally started with a 47-0 victory over hosts Perpignan and followed by a 26-12 quarter-final victory against UBB. In the semi-final, the Palois eliminated Bayonne, 40 to 12.

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In the wake of Captain Rayne Barka, the Section had chosen – unlike many other clubs – to field a significant number of players from its pro group : Thomas Carol, Reece Hewat, Lekima Tagitagivalu, but also of course the Olympic champion Aminiasi Tuimaba, best scorer of the stage. Without forgetting the youngest and promising Alexis Levron, Théo Attissogbé or Paul Auradou.

Section Paloise try markers

  • 6 tries: Aminiasi Tuimaba
  • 3 tries: Rayne Barka, Lekima Tagitagivalu, Josselin Bouhier
  • 2 essays: Thomas Carol, Paul Auradou
  • 1 try: Matthieu Piperol, Reece Hewat, Alexis Levron

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