“The secrets of the sky”, Yann Falquet

It took this nice guy from the trad trio Genticorum a very short quarter of a century – almost nothing, in this world which calculates the lasting power of melodious words in centenarians – to arrive at this first album of trad songs of his own. taught. So here is Yann Falquet, his timbre so soft and beautiful, his pickings delicate, his repertoire of songs collected from his mentors (including Michel Faubert) and in the books of researchers, here a collection of songs from Shippagan, there travelers’ songs. They all seem to come from him, so personal is the manner. The man knows how to surround himself: harmonium bed, brass, strings, pedal steel, the tunes are finely sewn quilts, lying on a quilt of low notes where the muffled percussion of Robbie Kuster works wonders. For those who are not too keen on trad a priori, this is the ideal disc: the sky opens and reveals secrets of yesteryear… in the present.

Click here to view an excerpt.

The secrets of the sky


Yann Falquet,

To watch on video

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