The secret history of “La vie en rose”, Edith Piaf’s eternal hit


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – L.Hakim, M.Buisson, M.Anglade; F. Blévis, M. Gondat, M. Marini

France Televisions

The song “La vie en rose” by Edith Piaf has become cult. However, the famous singer is not the first to have recorded it.

The song La vie en rose is almost 80 years old. This hit by Edith Piaf, one of the first of her career, has remained universal. In 1945, Piaf became a major music hall star and performed at the Théâtre de l’Étoile, on the Champs-Élysées. Originally, the song was written for Marianne Michel, cabaret singer and friend of Édith Piaf. This is inspired by the love story she experiences with Yves Montand. The first version of the song is about “things in pink“. Marianne Michel was the first to record it, in 1945.

A hit that has become essential

Success is immediate. Édith Piaf hastens to record it in turn and La vie en rose never leaves your directory. “She has a way of singing it, she has an emotion that comes out of her voice. She has an intonation. It’s all about love in this song“, remembers Catherine Glavas, sister-in-law of Edith Piaf. Since then, the hit has become a must-have for all performers.

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