the second round will be “a referendum for or against Macron”, says Jérôme Guedj, candidate of Nupes

Nupes candidate Jérôme Guedj is qualified in the second round in the 6th constituency of Essonne with more than 38% of the vote against Amélie de Montchalin, the Minister for Ecological Transition.

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The second round of legislative elections will be “a referendum for or against Emmanuel Macron” who has “chloroformed the poll” without giving an element of his program, believes Jérôme Guedj, after the results of the first round of the legislative election which sees the presidential majority and the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) being neck and neck.

MAP >> Legislative 2022: discover the full results of the first round

Jérôme Guedj, candidate for Nupes, qualified in the second round in the 6th constituency of Essonne, is in the lead with more than 38% of the vote against the Minister for Ecological Transition Amélie de Montchalin. He assures that he has no “personal motivation” in this election, even if having in front of him a minister who embodies “Emmanuel Macron’s balance sheet” is “something that gives even more relief to this election”.

For Jerome Guedjthe challenge is for the Nupes to have a majority in the National Assembly so that it is not “not just Madame de Montchalin leaving her post, but the whole government”. The Elysée had indicated that the ministers beaten during these legislative elections would be forced to leave their government posts.

This second round is also, according to him, “the possibility of having a program that has rekindled hope on the left” in the face of a legislative campaign which he describes as “democratic scandal”. “Emmanuel Macron did everything to put this election to sleep”he believes, “without giving any element of his program” for “ensure that there is a demobilization of voters”. Finally, he adds that Amélie de Montchalin did not “not voted for her” Sunday, because is not registered in the 6th district of Essonne “because she never lived there”. “She was parachuted into this constituency five years ago”he says.

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