The second line Victor Lebas leaves Brive for Oyonnax

The rumor had persisted around the Stadium for many months already. It was formalized on Tuesday by the Oyonnax club. The leaders of “Oyo” announce the recruitment of Victor Lebas until 2025.

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Relaunch outside Corrèze

At 29, the Corrèze therefore left the club that trained him. Victor Lebas, trained in Brive, spent more than twenty years in this club, France Crabos champion 2011, captain of the Espoirs before seeking to impose himself in the club of his heart. For two years, the slender second line had been “exiled” to Angoulême, in Pro D2. An exile not at all badly experienced by Victor Lebas, who was able to continue: holder, with 27 games per season for two years, the Brive confessed to having done “his best choice”. “It was a very good decision, I acclimatized well there, and it allowed me to maintain mental and physical continuity” underlined last year the player at the microphone of France Bleu Limousin.

This season, despite good performances, he had been used 17 times, so 15 Top 14 games but only 4 starts. It is perhaps the same logic that guides him today. Oyonnax is currently 3rd in Pro D2 and fight to be directly qualified for the play-offs and the second division championship. Next year, Victor Lebas could therefore perhaps evolve into the Top 14.

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