the sealing ceremony will take place on March 8, International Women’s Day

It was Emmanuel Macron who announced the day on which the ceremony will be held. It will be open to the public for the first time.



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A poster in support of the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution at Place du Trocadéro, in Paris, March 4, 2024. (LAURE BOYER / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

“French pride, universal message”. Emmanuel Macron applauded, Monday March 4, the inclusion of voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) in the Constitution, on the social network X. “See you this March 8, International Women’s Day”, announced the President of the Republic, for the ceremony of sealing the Constitution, which will take place at noon. It will be open to the public for the first time.

An extension of a French tradition dating back to the Merovingians, the “sealing” takes place at the Ministry of Justice. After the ceremony scheduled for Friday, at 12 p.m., Place Vendôme in Paris, the text will be baptized “constitutional law of March 8, 2024”.

The press which makes it possible to do this – a 300 kilo machine, which was ordered in 1810 by Cambacérès – is also permanently located in the office of the Minister of Justice, today Eric Dupond-Moretti. Moreover, it is always the Keepers of the Seals who give the final turn of the screw to the sealing press.

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