the SE-Unsa union “would like to talk about the school of the present and all current issues”

Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday that he wanted to generalize the “school of the future” to the whole territory. This is an educational experiment carried out in particular in Marseille since September 2021.

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“At school, when we learn the times, we start with the present, and not the future. What we would like to talk about, we directors or trade union organizations, is the school of the present and all the issues current”reacted Thursday, June 2 on franceinfo Olivier Flipo, primary school director in Cergy and delegate of the SE-Unsa of Val-d’Oise, while Emmanuel Macron announced Thursday in Marseille that he wanted to generalize to the whole territory “the school of the future”, educational experiment carried out in Marseille since September 2021.

For Olivier Flipo, the emergency in schools is the replacement of absent teachers and therefore recruitment. In the Val-d’Oise currently, “the situation is very complicated”explains the representative of SE-Unsa. “Recently on one day, there were 200 classes without teachers, because currently there are no substitutes”the usual replacement teachers being “already used”. Olivier Flipo denounces the lack “anticipation on recruitment”. He points “a catastrophic situation that suddenly means that we are organizing a job dating to recruit people. We are creating the school of the future with these contract workers”. The concern of school principals is “to manage the shortage”emphasizes the teacher.

These calls for applications organized in certain academies to find “future contract workers to fill these positions, it’s good because we can’t be against this aspect of having additional staff”shade Olivier Flipo. But he thinks that “where the rub is training” of these volunteers “and how many people will actually show up”. Some are “very interesting for some”but often “there are people who are completely off the mark and have no imagination of what it could mean”.

Returning to the experimentation of the “school of the future” carried out in Marseilles, the delegate of the SE-Unsa of Val-d’Oise recalls that these are “59 volunteer schools that already had a project”. According to him, the government has no “nothing new or invented”. This experiment therefore does not pose “no particular difficulties”. He specifies that the recruitment commissions that are in place are made up “two inspectors, the school director and a deputy”. This committee then issues “a favorable or unfavorable opinion” on the candidates. According to him, “in fact, out of the 59 schools, all the opinions were favorable”. Olivier Flipo now expects above all that there is an evaluation of the system: “We take stock of it and we don’t generalize as soon as the experimentation has barely begun.”

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