Video length: 3 mins.
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Each year, 1.5 million elevators break down throughout France. How to explain these astronomical figures? The 20 hours of France 2 carried out its investigation.
They are supposed to make our lives easier, but elevators can be a hassle for users. In France, 1.5 million elevator breakdowns are reported each year. Why are they so numerous? A social landlord questions the maintenance provided by a service provider. Simon Molesin, heritage director of the real estate agency of the city of Paris explained: “Today, we have repairs that are done a bit quickly or a level of maintenance that is not guaranteed from top to bottom. So we have performance levels that are affected.”
The opening of an investigation in the Senate
To explain the long repair times, the federation of lift operators mentions a lack of spare parts. Only according to a legal expert, there would be another explanation. To maintain their elevators, lessors call on specialized companies who would offer them contracts at knockdown prices in order to grab as many as possible. As a result, technicians are overwhelmed. Angry tenants have called for a Senate investigation.